Download our free Tsuba template (in PSD – Photoshop format) and design your own shinai tsuba:
Download template here:
Right click on link and “save link as…” File is in .zip format, should be unzipped and opened in Photoshop or online in Photopea.com.
–> Kendotsuba.com_Template.psd
If you don’t have Photoshop, you can edit PSD files online for free, if you visit:

Please note that production of custom tsuba designs happen occasionally.
Next custom orders for 1-2 tsuba are expected around
middle of April
but a minimum order of 5 tsuba can be produced immediately.
You can always order in-stock designs depending on availability at kendotsuba.etsy.com
Please send your inquiry to kinshotsuba@gmail.com
Follow us on instagram for news: instagram.com/kinshotsuba
Frequently asked questions on custom orders:
- Is there a minimum number to be ordered for a custom design?
No. You can even order 1 tsuba as well! Just please note, that we need to collect some orders of different designs to be able to produce as the printing has a minimum order, but not the individual customers. Usually we produce new designs monthly. So if you send in your design in time, you may get it sooner. If you send in your design after the monthly order, you may need to wait a bit more.
2. How long does it take to produce the custom orders?
Normally it takes about 1-2 weeks to get the printed designes, then the tsuba is made within the next week. Shipping is usually around 1 week to Europe, and 2-3 weeks to Asia or America.
3. Which delivery service do you use?
We send up to 5 tsuba with priority airmail with tracking. From about 10 tsuba we use FEDEX to Asia or America or Australia, and GLS to Europe. This is a bit more expensive but for 10 products the unit cost of shipping is not so high, and FEDEX is a very fast a reliable service. Much better than Post.
4. Are there special discounts on batch orders?
If you want to order at least 5 or more tsuba, please send your inquiry to kinshotsuba@gmail.com and we will see what we can do for you. Please not that, each of our tsuba is finished by hand, so it is not a machine made product, where the quantites are just some clicks on the machine that produce them. Each of the tsuba needs to be finished and prepared one by one, so if you order 50 pieces, that is just 50 times the producing time, so we may not be able to give you huge discounts.
5. Will you make me my design if I only have ideas but cannot edit the template?
If you send us your design and it needs some small modifications, we may do that, we cannot design your tsuba instead of you. In this case please contact a friend who can use Photoshop for example, and ask her/him a favor.
6. How can I send you a custom design?
Just please scroll down until you find our free Photosop template. Download it and your can add a new layer to it, and put onto that your desing. Try to use 300 dpi high resolution images.
7. Which shinai size do you make tsuba for?
We make tsuba for 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.9 large grip shinai. You can check the exact technical parameters if you scroll down.
8. Are your tsuba durable or will they break after 2-3 practices?
Our tsuba are made of polycarbonate, in fact premium UV proof policarbonate, which is a very strong and durable plastic. They call it as “bulletproof” glass. I personally use my tsuba for around 3-4 years so far in my regular trainings, but I know friends who use our tsuba which were made almost 10 years ago.
So yeah, they are pretty durable.

The Kinshō Tsuba (by A.Vachter) is an original idea for creating a strong and unique looking plastic tsuba for shinai.
The meaning of the name’ Kinshō’ is golden general in Japanese and it is a piece in the game of of shōgi, the japanese chess.
Kinshō Tsuba is an original idea to personalize your shinai tsuba (hand guard of the bamboo sword).
Dressing up your tsuba not only makes it look great and original, but gives you the opportunity to add a little bit of yourself to your equipment.
Besides, it can also help you find your shinai during a bigger event or simply in your dojo.
Le Kinshō Tsuba est une idée originale pour créer une tsuba en plastique solide et d’aspect unique pour shinai.
La signification du nom ‘Kinshō’ est général d’or en japonais et c’est une pièce dans le jeu de shōgi, les échecs japonais.
Kinshō Tsuba est une idée originale pour personnaliser votre shinai tsuba (garde de l’épée en bambou).
Habiller sa tsuba permet non seulement de lui donner un aspect génial et original, mais aussi d’ajouter un peu de soi-même à son équipement.
De plus, cela peut aussi vous aider à retrouver votre shinai lors d’un événement plus important ou simplement dans votre dojo.
Die Kinshō Tsuba ist eine originelle Idee, um eine starke und einzigartig aussehende Kunststoff-Tsuba für Shinai zu schaffen.
Die Bedeutung des Namens “Kinshō” ist goldene General auf Japanisch und es ist eine Figur im Spiel von shōgi, das japanische Schach.
Kinshō Tsuba ist eine originelle Idee, um Ihr Shinai Tsuba (Handschutz des Bambusschwertes) zu personalisieren.
Wenn Sie Ihr Tsuba verschönern, sieht es nicht nur großartig und originell aus, sondern gibt Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit, Ihrer Ausrüstung ein wenig von sich selbst zu geben.
Außerdem kann es dir helfen, dein Shinai bei einer größeren Veranstaltung oder einfach in deinem Dojo zu finden.
A tsuba felöltöztetése nemcsak szebbé teszi annak megjelenését, de egyúttal lehetőséget ad arra, hogy belecsempészd személyiséged egy kis darabját a kendo felszerelésedbe. Ráadásul a shinaiodat is könnyebben megtalálhatod így egy-egy nagyobb esemény alkalmával. A magyar érdeklődők külön keressenek!
La tsuba Kinshō è un’idea originale per creare una tsuba in plastica resistente e dall’aspetto unico per gli shinai.
Il significato del nome “Kinshō” è oro generale in giapponese ed è un pezzo nel gioco dello shōgi, gli scacchi giapponesi.
Kinshō Tsuba è un’idea originale per personalizzare la propria shinai tsuba (guardia della mano della spada di bambù).
Vestire la vostra tsuba non solo la rende bella e originale, ma vi dà l’opportunità di aggiungere un po’ di voi stessi al vostro equipaggiamento.
Inoltre, può anche aiutare a trovare la propria shinai durante un evento importante o semplicemente nel proprio dojo.
La Kinshō Tsuba es una idea original para crear una tsuba de plástico resistente y de aspecto único para shinai.
El significado del nombre ‘Kinshō’ es general de oro en japonés y es una pieza en el juego de shōgi, el ajedrez japonés.
Kinshō Tsuba es una idea original para personalizar tu shinai tsuba (protector de mano de la espada de bambú).
Vestir tu tsuba no solo le da un aspecto genial y original, sino que te da la oportunidad de añadir un poco de ti mismo a tu equipo.
Además, también puede ayudarte a encontrar tu shinai durante un evento mayor o simplemente en tu dojo.
Kinshō Tsuba to oryginalny pomysł na stworzenie mocnej i niepowtarzalnie wyglądającej plastikowej tsuby do shinai.
Nazwa “Kinshō” oznacza po japońsku złoty środek i jest elementem w grze w shōgi, czyli japońskie szachy.
Kinshō Tsuba to oryginalny pomysł na personalizację Twojego shinai tsuba (osłona dłoni bambusowego miecza).
Ubieranie swojej tsuby nie tylko sprawia, że wygląda ona świetnie i oryginalnie, ale daje możliwość dodania do swojego sprzętu odrobiny siebie.
Poza tym, może to również pomóc w znalezieniu Twojego shinai podczas większego wydarzenia lub po prostu w Twoim dojo.
Το Kinshō Tsuba είναι μια πρωτότυπη ιδέα για τη δημιουργία ενός ισχυρού και μοναδικής εμφάνισης πλαστικού tsuba για shinai.
Η σημασία του ονόματος “Kinshō” είναι χρυσή γενική στα ιαπωνικά και είναι ένα κομμάτι στο παιχνίδι του shōgi, το ιαπωνικό σκάκι.
Το Kinshō Tsuba είναι μια πρωτότυπη ιδέα για να εξατομικεύσετε το shinai tsuba σας (προστατευτικό χεριού του σπαθιού από μπαμπού).
Το να ντύσετε το tsuba σας όχι μόνο το κάνει να φαίνεται υπέροχο και πρωτότυπο, αλλά σας δίνει την ευκαιρία να προσθέσετε λίγο από τον εαυτό σας στον εξοπλισμό σας.
Εκτός αυτού, μπορεί επίσης να σας βοηθήσει να βρείτε το shinai σας κατά τη διάρκεια μιας μεγαλύτερης εκδήλωσης ή απλά στο dojo σας.
Kinshō Tsuba är en originell idé för att skapa en stark och unik tsuba i plast för shinai.
Betydelsen av namnet “Kinshō” är “golden general” på japanska och det är en pjäs i spelet shōgi, det japanska schackspelet.
Kinshō Tsuba är en originell idé för att personifiera din shinai tsuba (handskyddet på bambussvärdet).
Att klä upp din tsuba gör inte bara att den ser snygg och originell ut, utan ger dig också möjlighet att lägga till lite av dig själv till din utrustning.
Dessutom kan det också hjälpa dig att hitta din shinai under ett större evenemang eller helt enkelt i din dojo.
Kinshō Tsuba er en original idé for å skape en sterk og unik utseende plast tsuba for shinai.
Betydningen av navnet ‘Kinshō’ er gylden general på japansk, og det er en brikke i spillet av shōgi, den japanske sjakken.
Kinshō Tsuba er en original idé for å tilpasse din shinai tsuba (håndbeskyttelse av bambus sverdet).
Å pynte opp tsubaen din får den ikke bare til å se flott og original ut, men gir deg muligheten til å legge litt av deg selv til utstyret ditt.
Dessuten kan det også hjelpe deg med å finne shinaien din under et større arrangement eller bare i dojoen din.
Kinshō Tsuba este o idee originală pentru a crea o tsuba din plastic rezistentă și cu aspect unic pentru shinai.
Semnificația numelui” Kinshō” este general de aur în japoneză și este o piesă în jocul de shōgi, șahul japonez.
Kinshō Tsuba este o idee originală pentru a vă personaliza tsuba pentru shinai (garda de mână a sabiei de bambus).
Îmbrăcându-ți tsuba nu numai că o face să arate grozav și original, dar îți oferă și posibilitatea de a adăuga o mică parte din tine însuți la echipamentul tău.
În plus, te poate ajuta să îți găsești shinai-ul în timpul unui eveniment mai mare sau pur și simplu în dojo-ul tău.
TSUBA for 3.9 Shinai
- Tsuba outer diameter: 84 mm
- Thickness: 8 mm
- Material: premium polycarbonate (PC)
- Hole diameter: 34 mm (37 mm for 39 large grips tsuba)
- Weight: ~40 g
TSUBA for 3.9 Large grip shinai
- Tsuba outer diameter: 84 mm
- Thickness: 8 mm
- Material: premium polycarbonate (PC)
- Hole diameter: 37 mm
- Weight: ~37 g
TSUBA for 3.8 Shinai
- Tsuba outer diameter: 84 mm
- Thickness: 6 mm
- Material: premium polycarbonate (PC)
- Hole diameter: 32 mm
- Weight: ~30 g
鍔外径:84 mm
穴の直径:34 mm
重量:〜40 g
鍔外径:84 mm
厚さ:6 mm
重量:〜30 g
Polycarbonates (PC) are a group of thermoplastic polymers containing carbonate groups in their chemical structures. Polycarbonates used in engineering are strong, tough materials, and some grades are optically transparent. They are easily worked, molded, and thermoformed. Because of these properties, polycarbonates find many applications.
Polycarbonates received their name because they are polymers containing carbonate groups (−O−(C=O)−O−). A balance of useful features, including temperature resistance, impact resistance and optical properties, positions polycarbonates between commodity plastics and engineering plastics. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycarbonate
- Sticker: two or one sided, laminated vinyl sticker on the tsuba from the direction of the tsukagawa
- Decoration: practically anything can be on the tsuba
- Tsubadome: every tsubas come with a free transparent tsubadome
- ステッカー:柄革の方向から「鍔」に貼られた2枚または片面のラミネートされたビニールステッカー
- デコレーション:事実上何かが ‘鍔’
- 守止:すべての笹は透明なつぼみが付いてくる
All tsuba are cut with CNC maschines but polished and also the stickers are mounted on the tsuba by hand.
Did you know that a plastic tsuba can be a better choice for a tournament than a leather one?
Simply because a strike landed on a leather tsuba might sound very much like one which has landed on the kote itself, so if it is a fast strike the shinpan may award your opponent an ippon for a not properly placed strike. However, the sound of a strike to a plastic tsuba can not easily be mistaken.
Placing the tsuba on the shinai
The laminated vinyl sticker is mounted on the backside of the tsuba. The tsuba should always put on the shinai so that the side with the sticker looks to the tsukagawa (leather handle) in order to have maximum protection for the pattern.
It is natural that the surface of the tsuba will get scratchy as it gets hit many times by the training partner’s shinai (bamboo sword). However it is possible to restore the original shine of the surface by polishing it. We are going to share more info on this topic in the future.
Email: kinshotsuba@gmail.com
Or message us in Facebook:
or directly on Messenger: m.me/akosvachter
KinshoTsuba is based in Hungary and created by kendoists for kendoists.
About the creators
Kinsho Tsuba is created by Akos Vachter, an engineer and an enthusiastic kendo practicioner for more than 20 years. He holds the rank of 5. dan, which he has passed using his favorite kamae, jodan. His hobbies are trailrunning, writing and translating poetry, and all sorts of games. He has also created the Kendo Playing Cards kendo boardgame (www.kendoplayingcards.com).
Check out our other product, the Kendo Playing Cards game!
For more info visit:
Did you know? If you order Kinsho Tsuba and Kendo Playing Cards game set together, you can spare the shipping costs of one of the products!